3D copy technology has been able to manufacture rocket engines
According to overseas news media, NASA's technical engineers soon conducted a test on the atomizing nozzle of the 3D copy rocket team. This scientific research depends on improving the role of a certain part of the rocket engine. Because the liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen in the atomizing nozzle are mixed together, the ignition temperature here can reach 6000 degrees Fahrenheit, about 3315 degrees Celsius, and can produce 20000 pounds of thrust, about 9 tons up and down, Certified the feasibility analysis of 3D copying professional skills in rocket engine manufacturing.
In this test, NASA Marshall Space Flight Management Center in Huntsville, Alabama, has relatively sound rocket engine test standards, and technical engineers can verify the role of 3D copy components in igniting the natural environment.
Manufacturing atomizing nozzles for rocket engines requires high precision production and processing expertise. If 3D copying expertise is applied, the complexity of the whole manufacturing process can be reduced. As for 3D copying, it does not matter whether it is complicated or not.
Create a three-dimensional painting of the atomizing nozzle in an electronic computer. The raw materials for copying are metal powder and laser. At a higher temperature, the metal powder can be shaped as required by people.
There are several gushing components in the atomizing nozzle of the rocket engine. To create components of similar size, it needs to have the necessary production and processing precision. After the success of this professional skill test, it will be used to make the RS-25 diesel engine, which will be the main driving force for NASA's future management system of outer space launch points. The rocket team can transport astronauts beyond the near earth movement track to far outer space.
Chris, the person in charge of the design department of Marshall Management Center, thinks that the application of 3D copying expertise in the rocket engine fuel injection pump is just the first thing. People's intention depends on how testing 3D copying components can change the design scheme and manufacturing of the rocket team, and improve the role of system software. More importantly, it can reasonably arrange time and cost, and it is not very easy to be abnormal.
It can be expected that the professional skills of 3D copying can be used to make other spacecraft components in addition to rocket engine components. Its feature is rapid production and manufacturing. In that way, basically all spacecraft components can be 3D copied, which reduces the risk of some design schemes and can reasonably manipulate investment projects.